What is Osteopathy?Osteopathy is a primary health care system. It is complementary to other medical treatment and therapies. Osteopathic treatment is suitable at all stages of life, birth to old age, and can contribute to the treatment and management of a wide range of medical conditions.
Problems in the framework of the body, ( spine ,ligaments,joints ,muscles) can disturb the nerves and blood circulatory system to any part of the body , and can affect many aspects of health. Osteopaths treat patients with our hands and learn to develop a high level of sensitivity in the ability to palpate( feel) ,during osteopathic diagnosis and treatment ,which part of your body is out of balance. Osteopaths then work to restore the structure and function of the body by osteopathic diagnosis and then a wide range of gentle , non invasive manual techniques such as deep tissue massage , joint articulation , gentle joint ligamentous manipulation and craniosacral treatment. The key tools for osteopathic diagnosis include listening to the patient’s history, looking at posture both at rest and with movement and examining joints, ligaments and muscles. Osteopaths are trained to recognize when osteopathic treatment is not appropriate and when referral to your GP is necessary. X –rays, scans and other clinical investigations may be used if required. It can help back pain , sciatica , neck pain , headaches , treatment to prevent migraine, pain and stiffness from osteoarthritis ,hip , knee , ankle ,wrist elbow and shoulder problems. Regulation of OsteopathyAll osteopaths are registered with the General Osteopathic Council (GOsC), which has been the regulatory body of the profession since 1993 when the Osteopaths Act 1993 became part of British statute.
The General Osteopathic Council sets and promotes high standards of competency conduct and safety. |
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